If you spend any time surfing the internet, you know it can feel disconnecting. Depending on which sites you visit, you probably stumble across online arguments more often than not. The internet can be a downright depressing place if you don’t get out of your routine and visit some uplifting website. These 10 Inspiring Websites to Fill you with Hope are perfect to peruse when you need a pick-me up, or an attitude readjustment. Change a midweek cynical view into one of inspiration and wonder.

10 Inspiring Websites to Fill you with Hope

The Invisible Mentor

The Invisible Mentor was BORN in March 2009 in the form of a blog by Avil Beckford, also known as, Expert Interviewer, Ghost Blogger, Writer, Author and Chief Reading Evangelist, and has evolved over the years to be much more. Each month, Avil invests over 200 hours reading books and culling the great ideas, as well as researching great thinkers. She then presents you with invisible mentors – unique leaders you can learn things from by observing them from a distance or by reading about them – in the form of interviews with highly accomplished people, mini biographies of wise people and great thinkers, and hybrid book reviews and summaries, what she calls SummaReviews. The Invisible Mentor blog bridges the new ideas with old ones. Imagine the great ideas you’ll generate by being exposed to old and forgotten ideas! What that means is that we can use old and forgotten, but not outdated ideas, to solve today’s problems.

Rational Optimist

If you feel like things are going from bad to worse in our society, you’ll want to check out the Rational Optimist. Matt Ridley is a counterblast to the prevailing pessimism of our age, and proves, however much we like to think to the contrary, that things are getting better.

Tiny Buddha

Tiny Buddha is about reflecting on simple wisdom and learning new ways to apply it to our complex lives—complete with responsibilities, struggles, dreams, and relationships. Founded in 2009, Tiny Buddha has emerged as a leading resource for peace and happiness, with close to three million monthly readers and a vibrant community forum. You’ll find posts about happiness, love, relationships, change, meaning, mindfulness, spirituality, simplicity, minimalism, letting go, and more. Much of it has its roots in Buddhism, but this is not a site about religion. It’s about ideas that make sense and make a big difference when applied.

Michelle Chappel

Dr. Michelle Chappel is an internationally acclaimed singer songwriter, business consultant, keynote speaker, and author. She has a Ph.D. in psychology from Princeton and was voted “Most Inspirational Professor” at the University of California, Santa Cruz where she taught cognition, creativity and problem-solving.

For 20 years, Michelle has combined psychology and music in her creativity workshops to help thousands of people, ages 8 to 84, discover their unique gifts and talents and use these superpowers to excel in work, school, and life.


KarmaTube is a collection of inspiring videos accompanied by simple actions that every viewer can take. It is a project of ServiceSpace, an all-volunteer run organization. Whose aim is to enable individuals to contribute in meaningful ways to the world around them. Together, we hope to “be the change we wish to see in the world.”

Storytellers for Good

Storytellers for Good is a team of producers and cinematographers who promote goodness and inspire greatness through the art of storytelling. They create compelling short films and provide one-of-a-kind storytelling education for people and organizations making a positive difference.

Zen Habits

Zen Habits is about finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness.

Gives Me Hope

Gives me Hope is a round-up of uplifting stories and images of people around the world. There’s cute and cuddly stories and there are stories that will make you sit back and think for a while. When you’re feeling like you need some inspiration, take a few moments to dig through this site, you’ll feel much better.

The Optimist Daily

The Optimist Daily is about solutions rather than fear. Topics range from the personal to the planetary. The folks at Optimist Daily search for and find knowledge and techniques from people changing the world for the better.

1000 Awesome Things

“… the most optimistic, sunny blog online. You have to test your cynicism against this affirmation of all things and see if you can actually  handle it.” – CBC Radio