
Setting Reasonable Resolutions

It's the end of the year, everyone is looking forward to the New Year and getting a redo. If you're like most, you've probably got some resolutions for 2019. Losing weight, making more money, getting organized - those are the top resolutions, and while not unattainable, most will forget about actively working on them after

Setting Reasonable Resolutions2018-11-28T12:27:29-08:00

It’s Okay to Fail

We've all failed at one time or another. In all my years as a therapist, I've seen a lot of failure. In fact, most couples and individuals who seek counseling from me in San Francisco are here because they have failed at something. A failed marriage, lost job, broken relationship - people don't seek a

It’s Okay to Fail2018-07-25T12:31:47-07:00

Stop Sabotaging Your Success!

As a psychologist in San Francisco, I see people sabotaging their success on a regular basis. We all do it to one degree or another, but for some it becomes a lifelong strategy. Finding success in anything - career, relationships, education, etc.. is hard won. It takes dedication, hard work and commitment to achieve success

Stop Sabotaging Your Success!2018-06-25T12:10:42-07:00

Setting Attainable Goals

The New Year is here and if you're like most people you probably sat down on New Year's Eve or right after and scribbled down a list of New Year's Resolutions. If you're also like most people, you've probably already forgotten about them. Setting goals, or resolutions, is a great way to grow and I

Setting Attainable Goals2017-12-28T12:30:11-08:00

It’s Okay

As a therapist and counselor in San Francisco, I often come across people who don't allow themselves to be happy. There are many reasons this happens and each is individual to the person, but it seems as we get older our commitments and responsibilities become so routine and pervasive there's no time left to pursue

It’s Okay2017-07-25T12:01:50-07:00

Walking as Therapy

As a San Francisco therapist I've heard it all. There is a therapy for everyone or thing. From astrological therapy to psychic therapy - there are some interesting remedies out there. While I prefer to stay a little more grounded one form of therapy I love is walking. Walking as therapy not only keeps your

Walking as Therapy2017-05-23T12:39:26-07:00

Our Thoughts Become our Reality

If you can think it, you can achieve it. It's true that our thoughts become our reality so why aren't we actively changing our thoughts so we can have a better reality? We can actually change the path we are on, simply by changing our thoughts. And this isn't a new concept. Freud talked about

Our Thoughts Become our Reality2017-04-26T14:04:16-07:00

Manifesting Change

Last week we talked about managing change, this week we'll discuss manifesting change. One is coping with change that has been forced on you, while the other is bringing change to pass. Change is scary, and yet many of us want to change at least one or two things in our lives. We don't like

Manifesting Change2017-03-29T10:13:20-07:00

Set Some Spring Resolutions!

Now is the time to set some Spring Resolutions! If you're like most Americans, you stopped any New Year's Resolutions about a week into the new year. Spring is a great time for new beginnings. You see it all around you - flowers, trees, creatures -  everything is budding with new life. Spring is a

Set Some Spring Resolutions!2017-03-29T08:48:54-07:00

About Janna

Dr. Janna Fond, PsyD, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist and life coach with over 20 years of experience working with adults. Currently, she has a private practice in San Mateo, California where she helps individuals and couples.


Phone: (650)400-3214

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